• Post Ottawa Developments in Banning Anti-Personnel Landmines
       ·   30 Dec, 1997    ·    #49    ·    Commentary    
    A treaty banning anti-personnel land mines (APLM) was signed by 121 countries at Ottawa on 3-4 December 1997. For the first time in history, a weapon of war, extensively used by most armies around the world was eliminated from their arsena...
  • More on the Nuclear Bargain: A Response to Selig Harrison
    PR Chari    ·   29 Dec, 1997    ·    #48    ·    Commentary    
    In an important article contributed to Current History, Selig Harrison has outlined the contours of an Indo-US "nuclear bargain". This would allow their estranged relations, deriving from India ’s quasi-nuclear weapon status...
  • After Ottawa, what? Follow Australia
    Alexander Downer    ·   19 Dec, 1997    ·    #47    ·    Commentary    
    Excerpts from the statement by Alexander Downer, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Ministerial Treaty Signing Conference for the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Landmine...
  • Selig Harrison’s Idea of a Nuclear Bargain between India and the US An excerpt from The International Herald Tribune (reproduced in the Asian Ag
    Selig Harrison    ·   19 Dec, 1997    ·    #45    ·    Commentary    
    In an article written in the International Herald Tribune (reproduced in the Asian Age, 9 December 1997, p. 9) Selig Harrison suggests that a nuclear bargain is possible between the US and India. This would reduce the tensions over non-proliferati...
  • Comments on sale of US Light Water Reactors to China
    PK Iyengar    ·   08 Dec, 1997    ·    #39    ·    Commentary    
    The following are my comments on the China-US agreement for sale of US light water reactors to China :     Chinese motives     The Chinese have their own uranium ore and enrichment facilities....
  • The Albright Visit: Jinxed!
    PR Chari    ·   03 Dec, 1997    ·    #36    ·    Commentary    
    One word describes the US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright’s visit to India . Jinxed. No doubt, the American Embassy in New Delhi and the CIA would have been consulted regarding the timing of her visit. But it ...
  • Jiang's US Visit: The Strategic Perspective
    Maj. Gen. Dipankar Banerjee    ·   02 Dec, 1997    ·    #34    ·    Commentary    
    What does one make of Jiang Zemin's visit to the USA? After the media hype it is time for a little sober reflection. The Indian media has indeed been rather "prickly" as Giri Deshingkar so correctly assesses in the previous article...
  • Is a Nuclear Bargain Possible?
    PR Chari    ·   28 Nov, 1997    ·    #32    ·    Commentary    
    A two-year interaction between the Asia Society, Japan Institute of International Affairs and select individuals from India and Pakistan has just concluded. Two conferences were held in 1996 ( New York and New Delhi )...
  • Security and the Nuclear Dilemma
       ·   28 Nov, 1997    ·    #31    ·    Commentary    
    Lt Gen. V. R. Rahgavan (Retd.), Director, Delhi Policy group, and former Director-General of Military Operations at Army Headquarters made a strong plea for the constructive use of India ’s nuclear weapons capability. Deliveri...
       ·   12 Nov, 1997    ·    #28    ·    Commentary    
    Indian commentators have drawn two broad conclusions about Chinese President Jiang Zemin?s recent state visit to the United States .     1.             ...