• India's Relations with USA: Post Pokhran-II
       ·   12 Jan, 1999    ·    #169    ·    Commentary    
    (Note: This part of the report is based on the presentation made by Mr. P.R.Chari.  The report of other presentations in the seminar by C.V. Ranganathan on Sino-Indian relations and Prof. Ramesh Thakur on India-Japan relations can be found in...
  • India's Relations with Japan: Post Pokhran-II
       ·   12 Jan, 1999    ·    #168    ·    Commentary    
    (Note: This part of the report is based on the presentation made by Prof. Ramesh Thakur, Vice-Rector, United Nations University. The report of other presentations in the seminar by C.V. Ranganathan on Sino-Indian relations and P.R. Chari on India-...
  • India's Relations with China: Post Pokhran-II
       ·   12 Jan, 1999    ·    #167    ·    Commentary    
    (Note: This part of the report is based on the presentation made by Mr. C.V.Ranganathan, Former Indian Ambassador to China . The report of other presentations in the seminar by Prof. Ramesh Thakur on India-Japan relations and P.R. Chari on ...
  • Nuclear Deterrence in South Asia: Strategic Considerations Reconsidered
    Stephen P Cohen    ·   12 Jan, 1999    ·    #166    ·    Commentary    
    Prof. Cohen started by reviewing the debate in India on its nuclear stance that alternated between `continuing ambiguity’ and `overt weaponization’ over the years.     ·    &nb...
  • Six months after Pokhran-II: Where do we go from here?
       ·   07 Jan, 1999    ·    #165    ·    Commentary    
    The following is a report of the seminar organized by the IPCS on 18 December 1988. The speakers were P.R. Chari and Dr. Kanti Bajpai.     Chari brought out the difference and comparison of options before India ...
  • National Security Council (NSC)- An Eyewash?
    AK Verma    ·   04 Dec, 1998    ·    #164    ·    Commentary    
    A National Security  Council  has finally been born, It was a caesarian operation. There were indications that the  embryo would be aborted; but the momentum of the Jaswant Singh - Talbott talks brought it to life. The baby born,&nb...
  • Indo-Pak Talks:The Insoluble Equation
    AK Verma    ·   27 Nov, 1998    ·    #163    ·    Commentary    
    The Indo Pak talks in November 98 have again demonstrated that their relations are doomed by an irresolvable equation. A genius will be required to resolve the complexities of India Pakistan relations. And the time factor will be remain indetermin...
  • Delhi Round of Indo-Pak Talks - II Tulbul Navigation Project/Wular Barrage
       ·   27 Nov, 1998    ·    #162    ·    Commentary    
    One among the various irritants in Indo-Pak relations is the issue of Tulbul Navigation Project/Wular Barrage. ( India refers to it as the Tulbul Navigation Project and Pakistan terms it the Wular Barrage). It involves the construct...
  • National Security Council - BJP Style
    PR Chari    ·   27 Nov, 1998    ·    #161    ·    Commentary    
    After ignoring it for several months the BJP government acted hastily to implement its Task Force Report on establishing a National Security Council (NSC). This was promised in the BJP’s election manifesto and National Agenda of Governance; ...
  • The Sindh Imbroglio
    D Suba Chandran    ·   21 Nov, 1998    ·    #160    ·    Commentary    
    The current crisis in Sindh started with the killing of Hakim Mohammad Saeed during the third week of October. Prime Minister Nawaz Shariff accused the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) for being involved in the murder. Following this allegation the ...