• Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism
       ·   17 Nov, 2001    ·    #637    ·    Commentary    
    Panel: G Balachandran  PR Chari  Chair: ACM (Retd) Mehra  The seminar bega...
  • Admiral Gorshkov: The Russian aircraft-carrier for India
    Alok Kumar Gupta    ·   22 Nov, 2001    ·    #636    ·    Commentary    
    The Indian Navy is set to acquire the Russian aircraft-carrier Admiral Gorshkov by the end of 2001. Russia offered to sell the modified Kiev (Type 1143.4) class aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov to India in 1994, but the deal has faced many prob...
  • Attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh: Three Dimensions
    N Manoharan    ·   15 Nov, 2001    ·    #635    ·    Commentary    
    The recent general elections in Bangladesh has witnessed renewed attacks on the country’s minorities, especially Hindus. The attacks range from burning houses and grabbing properties to humiliation of women. The Hindus are also force...
  • Biological Weapon: Most Preferred WMD
    Animesh Roul    ·   15 Nov, 2001    ·    #634    ·    Commentary    
    Coinciding with the ‘strike against terror’ by the US led coalition, the terrorists have unleashed the germs of terror against the ‘civilized’ world. A biological weapons (BWs) strike by terrorists has become part of the in...
  • The US and the Taliban: Remembrance of Things Past
    Prof. RVR Chandrasekhara Rao    ·   10 Nov, 2001    ·    #633    ·    Commentary    
    The slow progress of US military action against Afghanistan is causing embarrassment in Washington .  Poor strategic insight into the Afghan imbroglio accounts for this.  Over four weeks into the punitive air strik...
  • Afghanistan: Its Uncertain Future
       ·   10 Nov, 2001    ·    #632    ·    Commentary    
    Panel: Sreedhar Kalim Bahadur IP Khosla Sreedhar Taliban is a Pashtun movement and remains so even today....
  • C&BWs: Panic Poisons
       ·   10 Nov, 2001    ·    #631    ·    Commentary    
    The horrendous effects of gas attacks in trench-warfare during the First World War had a lasting effect on the conscience of nations. This led to chemical and biological weapons (CBWs) being proscribed under the Geneva Protocol of 1925. Nations ab...
  • Hydropower potential: Some concerns and issues
    Col. PK Gautam    ·   11 Nov, 2001    ·    #630    ·    Commentary    
    No study of water in the Indian and South Asian context can ignore its hydroelectric potential. One of its vital uses is the generation of electricity.  The region-wise potential along with its exploitation is given at Table1. The hydropower ...
  • Profile of Indian Paramilitary Forces – I Central Reserve Police Force
    Mallika Joseph    ·   31 Oct, 2001    ·    #629    ·    Commentary    
    The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) was originally raised as the “Crown Representative’s Police” on 27 July 1939 in Neemuch (Madhya Pradesh). The main function of the force was to preserve law and order in the princely states...
  • Pakistan Post-September 11, 2001: A Divided Nation
    Subhash Kapila    ·   31 Oct, 2001    ·    #628    ·    Commentary    
    September 11, 2001 was a day of infamy when the world watched with horror the vivid images of the citadels of the United States being subjected to terrorist attacks. The global focus turned towards the locii of Islamic Jehadi terrorism, na...