Conflicts and COVID-19: What Explains the Rise in Terror & Counter-Terror Ops in Southeast Asia?
Siddharth Anil Nair · 14 Jul, 2020 · #5706 · Commentary
The COVID-19
pandemic has helped induce ceasefires in a range of conflict zones
around the world. This is not true, however, for Southeast Asia, which has
witnessed an overall uptick in terror and counter-terror operations.
What this
Indian Nuclear Decision-Making and the Border Standoff with China
Tanvi Kulkarni. · 14 Jul, 2020 · #5705 · Commentary
2020 border standoff between India and China marks a tipping point in the bilateral
relationship. It brings to an end the Indian illusion that the Line of Actual
Control (LAC) with China is a ‘disputed but peaceful’ border. As Beijing c...
India: Beyond the Binary of Whether to Talk to the Taliban
Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy · 10 Jul, 2020 · #5704 · Commentary
In the backdrop of a US-backed negotiated
settlement attempt in Afghanistan gaining momentum, the debate on talking to
the Taliban has resurfaced in India, particularly through May 2020. There may
be some potential advantages India could gain b...
The India-Nepal Dispute: What, and Why Now?
Yash Vardhan Singh · 10 Jul, 2020 · #5703 · Commentary
The India-Nepal territorial
dispute around the Kalpani-Limpaidhura-Lipulekh trijunction area stems only in
part from the ambiguity around the original boundary settlement. The present
flare up is a result of a combination of factors: India’s ...
In Context: COVID-19 and Iran
Majid Izadpanahi · 30 Jun, 2020 · #5702 · Commentary
China, Iran was the among the first countries that emerged as an epicentre of
COVID-19 in the early stages of the pandemic. However, Iran’s response to the
pandemic was different from those of other countries, and consequently, its
Afghanistan: Concerns Regarding Political Prospects and Washington-Kabul Relations
Fawad Poya and Bushra Tariq · 29 Jun, 2020 · #5701 · Commentary
Developments in
the run up to and post the signing of the February 2020 US-Taliban agreement
have generated considerable concern regarding the political future of
Afghanistan as well as regarding the prospects of the US-Afghanistan
What are the Key Tenets of China’s Propaganda Regime?
Atharv S Desai · 24 Jun, 2020 · #5700 · Commentary
has unleashed an international propaganda offensive,
and demonstrated its ability to obscure truth while changing narratives, in the
midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Beijing is efficiently exploiting the platforms
of journalism and social...
East Asia Compass
Understanding Pyongyang’s Belligerence towards Seoul
Dr Sandip Kumar Mishra · 23 Jun, 2020 · #5699 · Commentary · Column
On 16 June, North Korea blew up the Inter-Korean Liaison Office in
Gaeseong. This is being seen as symbolic of South Korea’s failure to engage
North Korea over the past few years. Effectively, North Korea has walked out of
all agreements and ...
Strategic Space
North Korea and the US Disembark from a Summit Train Going Nowhere
Manpreet Sethi · 23 Jun, 2020 · #5698 · Commentary · Column
has dominated headlines across the world in June 2020. This is not just because
of the global fight against COVID-19, whose virus originated in China, but also
because the country has simultaneously activated prickly issues with India, th...
Red Affairs
COVID-19 and its ‘Low’ Impact on the LWE Movement
Bibhu Prasad Routray · 22 Jun, 2020 · #5697 · Commentary · Column
the COVID-19 pandemic wreaks widespread socio-economic disruption across India,
what could be its impact on the Left-Wing Extremism (LWE-affected) theatres?
Would the pandemic affect the fighting potential of the extremists? Would it aid