• India-China-Germany: A Trilateral Dialogue
       ·   02 Nov, 1997    ·    #23    ·    Commentary    
    Why Germany, China and India? The international strategic order is changing surely, if slowly, from unipolarity to multipolarity. Simultaneously, it is adopting the path of multilateralism. It is a logical consequence of global inter...
  • Michael Krepon on Indo-US Relations
       ·   01 Nov, 1997    ·    #22    ·    Commentary    
    In his presentation on Indo-US relations Michael Krepon perceived the dominant US view of India to be that of a market and not a security threat. This perception has gained strength in President Clinton's second term. His new foreign affairs...
  • Pickering in India
    PR Chari    ·   01 Nov, 1997    ·    #21    ·    Commentary    
    Now that Thomas Pickering has come and gone an estimation is possible on what his visit means to India .   ? What happened? Hard facts are difficult to come by, speculations are a-plenty and guesswork is the name of the g...
  • To Achieve Non-Weaponised Nuclear Deterrence in South Asia
       ·   16 Oct, 1997    ·    #19    ·    Commentary    
    Although both India and Pakistan are de facto nuclear powers, they have refrained from converting their technical capabilities into usable warheads. The two South Asian neighbours have a history of conflicts and, as current relatio...
  • Sino-Indo-German Trilateral Conference
       ·   15 Oct, 1997    ·    #18    ·    Commentary    
    This unusual event took place in Bonn between October 5-7, 1997 under the auspices of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Delegations from China , India and Germany took part in frank discussions during this Conference wit...
  • India's Nuclear Option
    Ramesh Thakur    ·   01 Oct, 1997    ·    #17    ·    Commentary    
    India can break out of the straight jacket of being relegated to the minor leagues with Pakistan either by open testing and weaponization - joining the club of nuclear powers - or by renouncing the nuclear option and forcing Pa...
  • Pokharan Again
    PR Chari    ·   20 Sep, 1997    ·    #16    ·    Commentary    
    Speaking to an audience in Pune Dr. Raja Ramanna, former Chairman of India's Atomic Energy Commission, and recently nominated member to India 's Rajya Sabha (Upper House of Parliament), made a sensational disclosure: "The Pokhar...
  • Indo-US Relations: The Pickering Visit
    PR Chari    ·   18 Sep, 1997    ·    #15    ·    Commentary    
    The Problem     A "strategic dialogue" on the future of Indo-US relations would be initiated by Thomas Pickering, US Under Secretary for Political Affairs, during his forthcoming visit to India .  ...
  • Utility of Anti-Personnel Landmines
    Dilip Samarasinghe    ·   15 Sep, 1997    ·    #14    ·    Commentary    
    Few voices have been raised against the recent ban on the manufacture, deployment and use of anti-personnel land mines. How could one speak in favour of a weapon that inflicts each year about 24,000 casualties, often long after conflicts are over?...
  • Anti-Personnel Landmines Ban: A Backgrounder
       ·   15 Aug, 1997    ·    #13    ·    Commentary    
    Over 100 million anti-personnel (AP) land mines today remain planted in the earth in more than 70 mainly developing countries across four continents. It is estimated that these inflict casualties to about 24,000 people every year. Majority are wom...