Various Authors
  • Where is Kabul Headed?
    Maryam Baryalay and Abdul Mateen Imran   ·    09 Jan, 2019   ·    5541
    Afghanistan is gearing up for a possible political overturn. The ongoing peace talks between the US and the Taliban; talks of withdrawal of 7000 US troops; the three-month push-back of the Afghan presidential election; and the appointmen ...
  • What is the Afghan Taliban Up To?
    Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy   ·    25 Jun, 2015   ·    4894
    On 22 June 2015, the Afghan Taliban claimed a suicide bombing attack by seven militants on the Afghan parliament that killed two and injured several. The attack, dramatic even for Afghanistan standards, took place as the Wolesi Jirga was ...
  • Chinese Energy Explorations in Afghanistan: A Case Study
    Madhavi Chakravarti   ·    10 Mar, 2014   ·    4330
    China’s energy demand has increased manifold in the past decade. The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) predicts that in the coming years, China will account for one-third of the world’s energy consumption. This quest ...
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