Modi in Lahore: Indian and Pakistani Reflections
   ·   01 Dec, 2015   ·   180    ·    Special Report

On 25 December 2015, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a visit to Lahore, Pakistan, ​ostensibly for ​Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's birthday and ​his ​granddaughter's wedding. The ​news, which was ​only ​officially announced on the day ​of the visit, ​has taken South Asia, and the rest of the world, by surprise. 

​Given the visit's heavy symbolism and significance, the IPCS requested subject experts from​ a cross-section of society in​ both India and Pakistan to share their ​initial ​thoughts​​, ​which have been been compiled as a compendium, titled 'Modi in Lahore: Indian and Pakistani Reflections' and ​may be accessed, here.

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