Line of Control as Prospective International Border

13 Jul, 2000    ·   387

Wg Cdr N. K. Pant feels that a territorial status quo in J&K will be to India’s advantage

Even after instigating the proxy war in Jammu and Kashmir for more than ten years, the Pakistani military establishment’s dream of bleeding the Indian security forces white has not been realised. Their resolute fighting compelled Pakistan to beat a retreat from Kargil and foiled its attempts to sponsor armed mercenaries to destabilise Kashmir . Pakistan ’s obsession with Kashmir however, has taken more than 50,000 lives during the last decade. The time has finally arrived for Pakistan to realise its folly which, has bled it, converted it into a failed state on the brink of political and economic breakdown. Since a military solution has obviously not succeeded, the answer lies in having peaceful relations with India by recognising the sanctity of the existing Line of Control (LoC) and eventually transforming the de facto line of control to a de jure international border between the two South Asian nations. 



The LoC was known earlier as the Cease Fire Line before the Simla Accord, and as a result of UN Security Council resolutions in 1949. Immediately after gaining freedom in August 1947, Pakistan ’s army in the guise of Pathan tribals had attacked the former princely state of Kashmir ; its ruler had legally acceded to India after signing an Instrument of Accession under the provisions of the Indian Independence Act passed by the British Parliament earlier that year. The line of control is more than 700 kilometers long, from the Akhnoor sector in the south, proceeding north and north-eastwards and, ending up at Point NJ 9842 near Thang, south of the Siachen glacier. Thereafter, it was left unmarked up to the natural border of India in the extreme north as this region was considered inaccessible. 



The Indian Parliament has passed a resolution a couple of years back declaring the whole state of Jammu and Kashmir, including the part across the LoC under Pakistan’s military occupation, as an integral part of India. With the passage of time, this resolution had disappeared from public memory. But the tough stance of the BJP led the government, especially after the toppling of the democratic government in Pakistan has revived it. The Indian Prime Minister had also expressed his government’s resolve to liberate the Pakistan occupied territories of Kashmir . Such rhetorical statements only add to tensions between the two hostile neighbours, now armed with nuclear weapons. This may be one of the several compulsions propelling the US to emphasise the sanctity of the LoC. to avoid a military flare up in South Asia . The US pressure may force India and Pakistan to find a final solution to the Kashmir problem by converting the LoC into a permanent international border. 



A territorial status quo in Jammu and Kashmir will definitely be to India ’s advantage. The ceasefire line, since converted into a LoC, is not the natural border separating POK from J&K. But it certainly delineates the ethnic, cultural and linguistic divide in the state. On the Indian side the Kashmiri and Dogri ethos is apparent, and corresponds with Pan-Indian secularism; but the population on the other side is ethnically closer to Pakistan ’s heartland focussing around Lahore and Rawalpindi



The Americans, Europeans and other powers have repeatedly advised Islamabad to respect the LoC and desist from armed intervention in the State, but, the Pakistani leadership has been justifying ‘jehad’ as the means to liberate Kashmir. The highly fundamentalist vision of Islamabad ’s policy makers sees the territory of J &K as crucial to Pakistan ’s existence on the basis of the Muslim League’s two-nation theory. The bitter truth needs to be appreciated by Islamabad is that any government in New Delhi which tries to withdraw from Kashmir hoped for by Islamabad, would not survive in office.