Indian Ocean Region
Various Authors
  • What Adeeb’s Escape Means for India and Indian Ocean Security
    Dr. Sripathi Narayanan   ·    26 Aug, 2019   ·    5614
    Detecting the former Vice President of the Maldives, Ahmed Adeeb, as a ‘stowaway’ in a tugboat off the coast of Tamil Nadu not only raises a number of questions but should also be viewed in the context of Maldivian politics. This †...
  • China-Sri Lanka: Maritime Infrastructure and India’s Security
    Roshni Thomas   ·    18 May, 2015   ·    4874
    When the new government of Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena decided to review every Chinese investment approved by the previous President Mahinda Rajapakse’s government – including the Colombo Port Expansion Project ( ...
  • Australia-India-China: IOR Procurement Race for Submarines
    Stephen Westcott   ·    24 Mar, 2015   ·    4853
    As most of the international community focuses on maritime events taking place in East Asia, the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) has been witnessing its own naval arms race in recent years. Increasingly at the forefront of countries’ mari ...
  • The Need for India-Australia Maritime Cooperation
    Teshu Singh   ·    27 Aug, 2014   ·    4629
    Though India and Australia have a long history of interactions and cooperation at various international fora, the potential for cooperation in the Indian Ocean is yet to materialise. What can New Delhi and Canberra do to actualise the pot ...
  • The Malabar Exercises: India, Japan and the US
    Teshu Singh   ·    31 Jan, 2014   ·    4282
    When the Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera visited India in the first week of January, an invitation to partake in the Malabar Exercise 2014 was extended to the Japan Maritime Self Defence Force. The exercise would be held sometime ...