Resolving Siachen: Perspectives from Pakistan
   ·   01 Sep, 2009   ·   124    ·    Issue Brief

Pakistanis think India has double standards; in the case of the princely states of Junagadh and Hyderabad, the Indian Government’s stated policy “that where the ruler of a State belonged to a community other than the majority community of the State the issue of accession will be decided by a reference to the wishes of the people” was the basis for their annexation. Pakistanis think that the easiest way to overcome this trust deficit is for India to recognize the necessity of giving Kashmiris the right of self determination. Pakistan even seems willing to make a major departure from its previous demand of a plebiscite, by showing its acceptability to any solution to the satisfaction of all the three parties through meaningful and progressive dialogue

  • What is the strategic relevance of the Siachen glacier region?
  • Why has a resolution evaded both sides and what are the principal reasons for the continued occupation?
  • How do we break the deadlock?
  • What are the prospects of a high altitude ecological park?

About the Series
As a part of its ongoing project titled "Indo-Pak dialogue on Conflict Resolution and Peace Building," the Institute is publishing a series of background papers on various Indo-Pak bilateral issues. Besides, the Institute is also organizing track-II dialogue between the two countries in October 2009 in Bangkok.

For more information about this project, kindly visit the IPCS website, or click


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