Why are Nuclear Disarmament Initiatives Bound to Fail?

21 Nov, 2017    ·   5395

Shivani Singh identifies three challenges that stand in the way of disarmament efforts

Shivani Singh
Shivani Singh
Researcher, Nuclear Security Programme (NSP)

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) was recently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for being a strong and active force in campaigning for disarmament and pushing for the adoption of the nuclear weapons ban treaty, 2017.

Despite the best efforts of disarmament organisations like ICAN over the past decade, in the specific case of the ban treaty, the purpose of adopting the treaty itself was belittled as none of the states possessing nuclear weapons attended the negotiations, let alone sign or ratify it. This begs the question, why has bringing states possessing nuclear weapons on board for negotiations towards nuclear disarmament proven so difficult?

The so-called indifference of nuclear-armed states to disarmament efforts must be seen in the context of evolving security dynamics, which are accompanied by three challenges: fear of the threat of regime change in